Each day, thousands of radio and TV producers have to find someone to fill the 14,329 interview segments of their shows… and countless reporters have to meet a deadline and turn in a story.

No doubt the media is looking for your interesting information.

Still, MOST press releases are ignored. When I worked in broadcasting, even at a music station, I say a trash can fill daily with unopened envelopes contained boring press releases. The news guy knew there were a waste of his time.

When I worked at a newspaper.. it was a dumpster each day.

Today, the Internet has made it cheaper to send bad press releases, and the volume has expanded exponentially.

So, why bother with a press release?

The answer is simple.. those reporters and producers are STILL TRYING TO FIND YOU.

According to a surveys by Middleberg/Ross and the Pew Internet Project, 98 percent of working journalists go online daily. They use the internet for article research most.. but 76 says they use the internet to FIND SOURCES AND EXPERTS.

You are the expert. You wrote the book, right?

Nearly as many (73%) say they use the net to “search for press releases”

One of the authors I work with submitted a press release recently. Over 100,000 hits, almost all of them didn’t amount to anything. However, one radio show called him, and then one network reality show offered him a chance to appear as an expert in an upcoming production.

Does this mean you should flood the media with press releases? No, you can still wear out your welcome. But if you have a comment on a news story, announce results of your research, acheive a milestone, or start a new project, it’s appropriate to write a release.

We’re writer right? Let’s keep writing.