I just met with Rick Raddis and he said it was okay to share this with you…
To get the full story, click this link: http://insideBIG.com/rick
The BIG NEWS: Internet Marketing pioneer Rick Raddatz is
launching five major new marketing services in 2007.
His last three releases (AudioGenerator, InstantVideoGenerator
and MarketingMakeoverGenerator) were all major ‘change the world’
type products — helping companies earn millions and millions
of dollars.
And now he’s doing it again,
Rick is releasing a new product on May 1st…
And June 1st…
And August 1st…
And September 1st…
And October 1st…
(those dates are subject to change, but that’s the plan)
*** Announcing The FIRST Internet Marketing ***
*** Event of the Year! — May 1st, 2007 ***
Topic: Major New Product by Rick Raddatz
Date: May 1st 2007
Time: 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern
How: Listen via Telephone or Webcast
Details: http://insideBIG.com/rick
Cost: Free
Capacity: 50,000 people (via Rick’s mega-webcast technology)
A: Anyone who markets on the web, or wants to.
DURING THE CALL…Rick will give away:
* Vacation & Mastermind weeks at his Breckenridge, CO mountain-house
* Lifetime memberships to all his products
* Chances to win one of 5 Segway scooters
* And More!
None of those give-aways requires a purchase…
you just need to be on the call.
For the full story, please check out the two-minute video on this website:
This is your last chance!!
Please click this link now: