On Tuesday 11/13, our partners will be sharing a new book with millions of new readers.
Thousands of authors have learned to use cross promotion with other authors to boost sales of their own books, build a readership or new subscribers online and get connected with the movers and shakers in the publishing world.
It FREE and easy for any author to join us.
- Sign up for our free cross promotion website
- Submit digital “gifts” to show your stuff.
- Let your mailing list know that you read other books too
- Order a copy on the launch day and meeting authors that are will join you when you launch your own book. (hint: each one of them knows our system and wants to help you)
Imagine what it will feel like when you are attending a conference or media event and run into another author who says “I first bought and read your book…”
That’s how every author feels when you tell them you helped them on a book launch. (even the big name authors tell me this)
Watch for news about the Tuesday promo.. and get signed up to take part.